

Last night I did a photo shoot with my new friends Gia Jordan and Evan Klanfer. They are working on a project where Evan takes pictures of women who are erotic performers, but in a very beautiful, artistic way. Gia and Evan were a great team and you could tell they are totally in sync with the vision of this project.

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The pictures were taken in front of a red background and I was sitting on a vintage bench. The lighting came from two big foto flo lights towering above and in front of me (this lighting was very flattering). I felt angelic in some way. I love being in front of the lights. I feel like I am taking part in something very magical and I always want to do my best to help the artist achieve his or her vision.

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Evan used a 4 x 5 camera, which was an amazing machine. I had to take a picture of it because you just don’t see people using those types of cameras in every day life. After shooting for 3 1/2 hours we finished up and hung out for a little while. Evan and I chatted about our mutual friend, and Gia and I bonded over our favorite celebrity gossip blog, Dlisted. I have never met someone who enjoys this blog as much as I do! It was so great that we were quoting things we’ve read on Dlisted and sharing our love for the pure genius of blogger Michael K.

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I hope to shoot with them again!

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