So last night was my big radio debut!!
My director and I arrived at the studio (which was conveniently very close to my house) at 9:45pm. The security guard let us in, and we waited to be let into the studio. It has been unseasonably cold in LA this past week, so I was glad to be wearing my raspberry-colored faux fur. They finally let us in, and we were ushered into the studio.
I had never been in a radio studio before, but it pretty much looked how I imagined. Control panels, buttons, computers and equipment everywhere. The Adult DVD Review Show was finishing up with the interview before us, which was with director Seymore Butts.
Once they were done, they told us that we were on next. This is when I started to get nervous… I was nervous about sounding like a big dork and/or fumbling my words.
Amy and Adam, the hosts of the Adult DVD Review Show were very gracious and engaging. They mostly talked to my director about his journey to becoming the artist he is today. It was so great to see him articulating his ideas and inspirations.
Then they asked me how I got started into modeling and ultimately performing for a moving camera. I told them that I got here by just taking every opportunity that came my way. I said that I want to inspire women of all sizes to feel comfortable being sexual and beautiful regardless of their weight. Once I got to talking, my nervous melted and I just enjoyed the moment.
I felt so sexy talking into the microphone. My voice sounded deeper and I loved it!
After 20 minutes or so, they wrapped up our interview. I was so happy and excited, that I felt like I was high! It was like the adrenaline rush I get after I getting tattooed. Natural highs, I am learning, are really the best kind.
you looked beautiful, as always. very sexy dress and cool coat!