
My inner preteen is very sad..

My new obsession is the show “The Two Coreys”. I was a huge fan of Corey Haim back in the day. I had his pictures of him all over my walls, and I would even sign letters to a friend with a similar obsession, Mrs. Haim. She of course was Mrs. Depp.

Last season of this show was kind of cheesy and you could totally tell that it was a scripted reality show. I didn’t really care because it was so nice to see Corey Haim again after all these years. This new season however, is much darker and doesn’t seem fake at all. Corey Haim is trying to get work acting again. He is also working out his demons and it’s pretty sad at times.

I was shocked to hear that he was raped by one of Feldman’s (gloved?) friends:

And my heart broke when he was reading the responses on an article written about him on a website. (at 4:25)

My inner preteen is so saddened seeing how Corey has turned out. I really wish him the best and I hope he successfully returns to acting!

Corey please know that you have an open invitation to be in a movie with me!
~April Haim

6 thoughts on “My inner preteen is very sad..”

  1. It is sad to view what looks like a last attempt to recapture what was in an era that likely couldn’t care less…excepting of course you April Haim!

  2. It is really sad to see Haim to be where he is.. I hate to see any good, talented person lose what they love the most.

    but its also really good to see him actually TRYING to get out of the hole he dug himself into.. sadly, I think the hole might be a tad too deep..

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