Tomorrow I leave for Phoenix to attend the *second!* group show exhibiting my photography! I am super excited about the trip and seeing my work displayed.
The show is called Thinking About La Raza at Perihelion Arts and it’s an exhibition of artwork exploring Latino/Chicano culture and perspectives. The show was curated by Carlos Batts and Antonio Vigil.
My friend Ashley Blue and I were recently talking about how exciting it is to be included gallery art shows. We are planning a day where she draws me and I take pictures of her. That should produce some interesting work for sure!
If you are in Phoenix, please stop by and say HI.
Here is all the info:
Perihelion Arts
1500 Grand Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
602.462.9120 gallery
Opening Reception
First Friday, Sept. 5, 2008
6 p.m.-Midnight
Show runs through September 30th
Part of the Artlink First Fridays self-guided artwalk.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures in the show:
i only like it, if you were in the pics ;), i just like to watch you :D, hope i’m not disturbing :D. See ya Fatty D.