

First Pug

I think the new first family should consider getting a Pug as the new dog for the White House. They are great with children, have TONS of personality, are good natured and LOVE food! I’ve had pugs for most of my life and I think a pug would be a great choice!! Here is my pug Baby celebrating his 15th birthday with some hot dog slices a few weeks ago!

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Yes! We! Can!

What an amazing time! Today I have been watching and reading about reactions to last nights history making election of our new President Obama. While I was reading my very favorite blog Dlisted, I followed a link to Reactions Around the World. I have been in a sort of happy-state-of-shock for most of the day, but seeing these pictures made it so real to me. Seeing the reactions from people not only here in the…

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Me and a Boy

I recently did my *First* Boy/Girl scene for the movie Waist Watchers 4 by Zero Tolerance. I was super nervous, but I had already worked with the director and met my partner Jerry many times before. I had a lot of fun! We had sex for a long time and my face ended up turning bright pink/red by the end of the shoot. Here are some pictures from that day. Getting dolled up before the…

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“LOS ANGELES — Blacks and Latinos are more likely than whites to be stopped, searched and arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department, according to a report released Monday by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.” I’ve been pulled over and harassed for no reason. For real!

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