

For the Homies

I’m sitting here listening to Cypress Hill and I can’t help but flash back to my younger days growing up here on the lovely West Coast. This takes me back to riding in the back seat of my friend’s older brother’s car. It was a blue Honda, and he used to speed down the 10 bumping his Cypress Hill tapes while weaving in and out of traffic. I remember the feeling the wind in my…

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Day 7

Day 7 of this fucking flu from hell and I am sick of being sick! I know there are many people who have it much worse than I do, but I really want to feel better already! I haven’t been able to smell or taste anything for a week now, and I really am starting to miss my senses. I miss the smell of food, the taste of food, the texture and temperature of different…

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My New Friend

I have a new friend named Alix. She is beautiful inside and out, and hopefully we will get to meet in person and take nude pictures together this March. Check out her blog. She is wonderful with words and shares many sexy pictures of herself and her beautiful breasts. She also writes for which is the coolest site ever. I spent many hours on the other night, and I was fascinated by watching…

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