
Dear Violet Blue, I Heart You!

I almost cried (happy tears) when I read this post on Violet Blue’s site. Violet has been a friend and constant supporter of the I projects that Carlos and I work on. She understands the art we make and the message we are trying to convey. She was also the very first person to interview me a few years ago!

When you make your own art and put it out there for people to enjoy, inevitably some people will not enjoy it or even “get it”. Its hard not to Google reviews of your work and while I know it goes with the territory, some reviews/reviewers are just plain mean. These reviewers completely miss the point, and rant on and on safely behind their computer screens. The worst part is that some of the negative comments stay with me. (just a little)

The point I am trying to make is that when you read wonderful, supportive articles such as Violet’s it becomes that much sweeter, thus my happy tears. She knows we are trying to create more than an orgasm. We are trying to challenge the ideas of beauty, sexuality, and body image while making a beautiful, interesting work.

Thanks again, Ms. Blue!

9 thoughts on “Dear Violet Blue, I Heart You!”

  1. So sexy….Its an honor for you to use my music and if you need any sexy sounds for anything else let a player know…. aaaaaand I have been asked to get more info on the lovely chocolate lady in your film by several of my compatriots. : )

  2. That’s my ghetto mantra from my Chola days!

    This may be none of my business, but I noticed that you finally started shooting b/g scenes. Any chance you might be working with Cj Wright?? He lovesssssssss the BBW’s!

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