Yesterday I received my monthly issue of a magazine that covers the adult industry. I was excited when I saw that one of the Merchandising articles was covering the BBW genre and how this genre is “fattening up sales”. “Cool,” I thought.
My excitement however, quickly turned into shock and anger. The article’s language is pretty demeaning and I was honestly surprised to read such garbage in this magazine. I’d like to point out some of the horrible language used in this piece and address the statements made by its author.
“In the past, BBW movies were treated with about the same respect fat girls get in real life.” First of all, this article was written by a man so I am very curious to know how he is an authority on how much respect is given to ANY woman. I am a fat girl and I get lots of respect. Respect is usually given based on character, not weight. I as a woman have seen both thin and not so thin women be treated like shit. It’s never cool to witness or go through, but this writer thinks he’s making a point.
He goes on to say that better production values from main stream studios are “allowing those too embarrassed to actually be seen with fat chicks the opportunity to jerk off to them in the privacy of their homes.” WOW. This sentence shocked me so much that I wondered how this ignorance ever got published… in 2009… in an article that is meant to help retailers with what to movies to stock (I think.)
And that was just the first paragraph!
The second paragraph commends Zero Tolerance for giving the BBW genre a makeover in the Waist Watchers series saying that they “successfully showcased the heifer as glamour model.” I am on the cover of Waist Watchers 4 and did my first boy/girl scene for the series. I am in no way a heifer. I was recently called a cow, but that was by a drunk crazy person in Downtown. I had no idea that I would read the same ignorance in an industry magazine. I wonder if the author ran out of ways to describe plus sized women, or if he really is that big of an asshole? Either way, he should not be given a platform to perpetuate negativity.
And in the most offensive statement in the article, he says that these movies “remind us that the girl-next-door doesn’t look like Jesse Jane and will, indeed, blow any loser for the cost of a Wendy’s Baconator.” I have no idea exactly what he means, but this is highly offensive. I bet the writer was really proud of himself when he typed that sentence. He thought he was being clever by including a hamburger reference while disrespecting fat girls in the same sentence! Bravo, Mr. X!
He goes on to say that a certain production company doesn’t “skimp on the lard” for their movies because they “wrangle up the biggest bovines in the business”. Another cow reference? I am starting to believe that this article was not written a professional, but by a 7th grade boy with a fetish for cows.
The reason I am so upset is because I have met so many amazing plus sized women in the industry. They are proud, hard working, sexual, smart, business minded women. My fabulous peers and I deserve the same respect given to the thinner women written about in the magazine. Being a plus sized girl in this industry takes strength, courage and nerve. This article could’ve been pretty effective, groundbreaking even, but instead the writer took it as his opportunity to let us all know how much he does not enjoy bigger women. Aside from BBW porn being a means for fat lovers to jack off to, it’s also very important in helping other curvy girls in becoming comfortable with being sexual and expressing their sexuality. I can not explain in words how wonderful it feels to read an email or meet a woman in real life who THANKS me for being out there representing fat girls. I’ve heard many women’s struggles with feeling beautiful and desired. They tell me how seeing women who look like them makes them feel better about their bodies. In my world THIS is the respect fat girls get in real life and THIS is the respect I give all my plus sized sisters.
This is insane and flat out wrong. What can we do about it? Who can we write to, to complain? That man obviously has a small mind and self esteem issues to have to write an entire article to slam ANY type of woman. Fat, skinny, tall, short, black, white – it’s unacceptable to allow this type of treatment to go on, and I for one, can’t just sit by and watch. Let me know if theres anything I can do! Big words from a Little man, no doubt. I feel bad for any woman who gets stuck with his small mind, and most likely, small appendage.
This article made me shoot fire from my nose, dragon style! How rude. You think industry professionals would have more respect for women who stand up and make sure that they are represented in Porn. I am appalled by the statements and I love what you do! Keep looking Gorgeous and fighting the good fight!
I DO commend you for being one of those with strength and and courage, for being in porn where you’re wanted because you are sexy and hot and not just because some guy is fulfilling a BBW fetish, you know?
The guy is an asshole.
I do, however, disagree with you a bit on one point. That fat chicks get less respect, as a generalization. Perhaps it is my viewpoint because of my self esteem issues, so perhaps I see attitudes that aren’t there…..but I know I was treated better in public (by men and women) when I was thinner. By sales people. By waitresses/waiters. By random people on the street.
You have to wonder the rationale of some publisher’s especially when it comes to creating marketing material. Do they honestly think they are being clever? What if it was about something interracial? Would they be able to get away with degrading language? I doubt it. That’s part of the problem these days, picking on people of size is acceptable. I think it’s deplorable.
The depth of character and personality will always be more sexy than the physical. Keep on keepin’ on April! I think you’re amazing!
Wow, that writer is a total asshat. As someone who enjoys BBWs both in porn and as real life lovers I am ready to smack that dipshit upside the head.
sadly it’s true what he says about BBW porn of the past; it has been mostly insulting and exploitative.. it seems he would like to keep it that way.. a lot of positive change has been made in the last few years, and it’s unfortunate that some people feel so uncomfortable with that..
What an insulting article! I’m always astonished that these people can get a gig writing with an attitude like that.
I liked what you wrote about attitude being sexy – it’s CERTAINLY true.
What was the magazine, by the way? I feel like emailing the editor with an evisceration of the jerk who wrote that.
Holy shit that is incredibly disrespectful, I hadn’t bothered to crack open the magazine yet and now I just want to burn it.
That article is horrible and the writer approached the idea of bbw becoming popular with immaturity and hate of the larger women rather than respect.
I want to smother you in grateful kisses for writing this, beautiful girl.
I hope you send this straight to the editor of that magazine. That article should have never been published and it’s highly offensive.
If they’re short-staffed, there are plenty of writers who love BBW’s and actually have an understanding of the category — not someone who’s just talking out of their ass.
That guy isn’t a professional writer – he’s just an immature asshat with a shitty attitude and bad manners. What magazine was this published in? I think a letter to the editor is in order.
I’d be curious to read some of his other articles and see if he’s that callous, ignorant, and assholish in all of his writing or just about us fat girls. But, even putting that aside the article is seriously ridiculous.
I’m sure, as you said, he felt all proud of himself for inserting idiotic fatphobic jokes and would probably say “lighten up, girls” at our outrage and then laugh at the pun he had just inadvertently made.
Like others I want to know what magazine this is from, I would definitely send a letter over the article. It should be commented on that what he may have thought was witty is really offensive garbage perpetuating all sorts of negativity.
I love that you wrote this, too, by the way, and I’m one of those fat girls that sees you as a wonderful inspiration to stop giving into the shame the rest of the world tries to place on our bodies.
So many things are going through my mind, I don’t even know where to start.
I say that everyone who doesn’t appreciate this little piece of hate dripping journalism (dare I even give it that much credit), needs to email him, or call AVN and voice their distaste. His name is Nelson X, and he is managing editor of AVN magazine.
Once my anger passes, I will be back to write another response to this bullshit.
People have really been sticking their feet in their mouth lately. I’m wondering if it’s going around. It was only a month or two back with the AVN articles about race in porn that were so incredibly offensive, and then the response that called out Violet Blue in such a ridiculous manner.
And now this. Because obviously, as a non-traditional population, women who aren’t a size 2 have no feelings, no rights, etc with in the industry. Or period.
While I do agree with Lily that as a large woman, I am some time disrespected by those who don’t know me, I also agree with you. People earn respect. Period. Skinny people who are rude idiots lose it, regardless of size.
Apparently, Mr. X thought it was funny and amusing to target larger women. Just like people have targeted queer identified people, people of color, people of different ability levels, etc. Why? Power. By putting down a group, he therefore is able to think himself funny, witty, and gains power. That’s easy. It’s much more difficult to write a well thought out piece about a niche industry in a respectful and non-insulting manner. Obviously, he went for the easy, immature, and offensive route.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It’s only when people speak up against these ridiculous writings that people even notice.
I am dying in anticipation for the communication regime that rules the adult industry’s tower of Babel to fucking burn and crumble under the weight of it’s own ignorance and hate.
I wanna see intelligent humans like yourself to fucking throw some goddamn gasoline on that shit.
I got a match.
I am so PISSED about this. God! I sincerely hope that you send exactly what you wrote her into this magazine. They deserve to know what you think. I wish you had linked it here so we could do the same.
I admire you and other BBWs so much. You and I have a similar body shape and it means so much to me to see you do what your doing. It gives me such a feeling of sexuality and confidence.
Keep your head up. You are inspiring. This douche needs to get a life.
For some reason, I think this was written by someone who did not get blown by a fat girl for any reason, much less a Wendy’s Baconater.
Me thinks he doth protest too much.
What a shit.
I stay away from mainstream industry mags for that very reason. Thanks for speaking up about it, love you April!
Ok,I want to comment on this .Being an man and an producer/photographer in this industry I have seen alot of change over the last few years (for good)in the BBW scene.I for one applaud the beautiful ladies who have the courage to be proud of themselves and just want to have fun like everyone else.They Are the real ones out there.
The Bottom feeder who wrote this article ,obliviously wanted to stand in his little group of boys and feel like he was being cool.To use this platform/and write what he did (also surprised it was printed)was beyond wrong and should be addressed.
My wife of 15 years is also an very popular BBW Model /Actress ,My opinion the best(I am partial sorry april) and I watch what she does and deals with on an daily business in this industry and do what i can as an real man,to help!
April,it is pathetic to see this and his nuts should be cut off..But who knows in the closet he may be one of you ladies best customers!!!LOL
Hope I made some point!..
JDEVIL Produtions
April, my body is quite similar to yours. This article is so astoundingly offensive. I can’t believe someone, anyone, didn’t tell the author to STFU.
Apparently Nelson X has never met any of the thousands upon thousands of men and women who adore larger women. Or the even larger number who adore women based on characteristics other than their weight.
One last bit of news for Nelson X. I wouldn’t blow him if held held the last Baconator on the planet and I was starving to death.
Have I missed the details? Why not name the magazine and the writer?
Dear April,
Disrespect for women is disrespect for women. This article you read is only one example out of many as to the level of blind attachment people develop to beliefs (no matter how absurd), so much so that they take it for a reality.
The *current* model of western beauty, bone thin women, is a clear projection of what ideas are operating within the western psyche.
Disrespect of women, treating them as if they’re only valuable if they’re small, thin, fragile looking, like a little boy to be bitched around, told what to do, and marginalized — all of that stems from a very patriarchal view of women needing to be *weak* and *subservient*. At the root its a power issue. A strong, full-bodied *sexual* woman is a clear contradiction to the aesthetic of that power complex, and it triggers an immune response, like how a body tries to fight off a foreign invader.
So what gets done? You make them feel small, weak, inferior, and invaluable psychologically. Insecurity, being bombarded with ads, images, commercials, stereotypes and jokes bombarding their minds with the message that they’re diseased because of their bodies.
Body variety, like genetic variety and cultural variety is a natural, healthy, and *essential* part of being alive and our survival.
When it comes down to it, aren’t worth the time of day. They’re rooted in nothing but stereotypes that they themselves are just regurgitating after hearing it elsewhere.
I’m sorry, on behalf of this asshole, that this kind of ignorance runs so rampant in the year 2009. Seeing the damage this kind of ideology has done to my (BBW) girlfriend in her earlier years (which, as a matter of fact, I *PROUDLY* walk side-by-side or in-arms, so screw “too ashamed to be seen with), it strikes a nerve.
April, you’re gorgeous. And to all the other plus-sized girls out there, never be ashamed, and never hate yourself for looking like a *real* woman.
As AVN continues to lose pages and relevance, they seem to be running more and more articles demeaning the talent in the industry. I have no idea why they think this something anyone wants to read, or why savaging the very people that are making the movies they depend on is a successful editorial policy, but I suppose panic brings out strange reactions in everyone.
April, great post. What initially drew me to you was that you were a gorgeous and hip BBW. Those bozos are going to end up screwing themselves. There is someone for everyone, and to disregard those who love larger women are going to be found with lighter wallets.
love, a busty, chubby little bitch
Ridiculous. This cock puppet thought he was being witty, chuckling with girlish glee as he wrote this. My mind is boggled as to whom he thought this would appeal to. Fuck this motherfucker and the pissy rag that published this shit stain.
what an asshole, the author was clearly in it to make $$$ by the letter. that an probly poluted by brain-washed masses on attractive-ness. this should have been better written by an open-minded individual, or a woman better yet.
I’m married to a bbw, and proud of it! she’s everything i could hope for and to know of this ass would lead me to confinement in some jail-house, and a baddly needed trip to the er for that jerk.
I hope you write a letter-to-the-editor of this rag, expressing your outrage and concern. They tend to get published, especially when written by beautiful, articulate women (who also WORK in the industry!) Keep keepin’ on.
I am blown away!
How did the editors of an industry magazine decide to just let a hateful article like that go through to publishing?! Please do write them a letter, and/or tell us who they are so that we can all write letters as well!
As a married to a BBW, it really saddens me to read stuff like that.
As a human being this outrages me. Can’t believe this was written in the 21st century… when we are supposed to be equal.
Hiya April! Love you and what you do.
Where can I read this article?? I haven’t been able to locate it online.
Thanks so much!
To read the article on-line, you need to use their not-very-convenient magazine reader service:
The article in question is on page 82.
Nelson X from AVN Magazine is the ASSHOLE writer of this P.O.S. article and maybe he should get some feedback!
Oh’ and here is Nelson X BOSS’S EMAIL ADDRESS
Oh no he DIDNT. I will be sending him an email. I think you get him pegged with the 7th grader comment. If he was afraid of fat chicks before, he is really going to hate what we do when we are pissed off. What a loser.
I see that AVN’s Nelson X is shooting out of his ass….ahhhh, I mean, his mouth, again.
It’s not enough on what he did with interracial porn in last month’s AVN issue…but now he has to go out and slam BBW’s as well??
Gee, Nelson…too bad that you happen to think that all porn performing women should have to look like jessie jane or Lisa Ann (no disrespect to those two gorgeous ladies whatsoever).
BBW’s deserve as much respect as any other women doing porn. If vou can’t accept that, then kindly STFU.
AVN (other than Mark Kernes) has gone to the dog poop of late. What’s up with that, I wonder???
Fatty D, I hope you crush this asshat. And while BBW’s not particularly my favored genre, I respect what you do and what you represent. All of the Goddess’ children have desires that must be acknowledged.
I read the article, it’s not so bad at all. He’s joking but saying the chubby product does well and that people have innovated and added production value to the genre. I think this is good for us all. Part of being fat is being able to laugh at yourself, ladies! Who amongst us doesn’t like to hit the drive-thru after a long day?? I’ll buy this guy a baconator if he helps promote our genre!
I wrote to the owner of AVN and said:
My name is Chris and I am very dissatisfied with the words your managing editor decided to use for one of his articles on BBW models and movies. His name is Nelson X. The most offensive thing he said was
that the movies “remind us that the girl-next-door doesn’t look like Jesse Jane and will, indeed, blow any loser for the cost of a Wendy’s Baconator”
I among other people are very angry at his comments. My wife is plus sized and believes that people who say the things that he said are ignorant. I just can’t believe that this even got published. thank you for your time.
he then replied and said:
After some research I agree with you. This was in bad taste. We are changing (stronger) an already announced policy and making it enforcable so this won’t happen again. We have plenty of plus-sized employees and, ironically, the write ris anything but a thin person. We are ensuring that this type of shoddy, distasteful “journalism”
does not happen again.
May we print your letter? And feel free to call me if you’d like to discuss further.
Paul Fishbein
Everyone has right to an opinion, regardless if you’re too weak to handle it. This man is one of the few that still has a spine in this day an age. I guess everyone should just shut up everytime someone dosen’t like what they have to say. If that was how everything was run women would of still been kept in the kitchen, blacks would still have unequal rights. The fact that you’re trying to shut them up for their opinion only makes the hate stronger.
“”Being a plus sized girl in this industry takes strength, courage and nerve.””
It would take far more strength, courage and nerve to have a little dick in the industry.
Yes, F*ggot, everyone does have a right to his opinon…including Nelson X.
When he uses his opinion to slander and disrespect women whose only crime is that they are heavier than he prefers, however, those whom he slanders have an equal right to publically call him and his employer out on his bullshit.
And if his employer decides that his opinion expressed in that article happens to BE bullshit, and sanctions him for such acts, then the fault lies not with the targets of his actions, but with the perpetrator himself.
That’s not censorship, fool…that’s accountability.
Bravo to Paul Fishbein for standing up with authority to such petty prejudice.
And eternal bravo to Fatty D/April for having the cojones to speak out against it, too.
It amazes me that a person who would write something like that actually gets work. If you don’t like bbw’s, don’t try to write about or review them. And I agree that it takes real gumption for plus sized women to be working in the adult industry, and I’m also glad to see so many more performing now. Opinions are nice, but adult entertainment has enough people claiming that it degrades women without people within the industry actually trying to do just that.
Lastly, I’ve never been afraid to be seen in public with a big woman. More to love is a statement of character, not a body type.