
What the Fuck?!?

IMG 2628

I can not fucking believe this fucking bullshit!!!! How the fuck can gas be so expensive???

If there is the technology that enables an old man to have an erection for hours, then there certainly is the technology to run our cars on something other than gas.

It seems like a lot of things are backwards these days.

4 thoughts on “What the Fuck?!?”

  1. Gas is expensive here in Australia $1.30 a litre Aust. About $5+ US ? I live 100km from nearest town and supermarket Here it seems to go up over the weekend too friday to monday. Cheapest on tuesday and wednesday> Heard a story Cows and sheep burp and fart methane gas that can be used as gas. So do humans when they eat too many baked beans. Does that mean if you eat lots of beans or have a truck full of cattle
    catheters up the bums of all to fill the gas tank.No embarasment when we fart then. Brownies not greenies. But the greenies would be happy. Now if you eat lots of “Big Macs” Well ?

  2. FD:

    It’s price gouging, plain and simple. As long as we pay it they will rise the price. It’s to cover all the snowbirds going back home and all the srping breakers that will be going to get so wasted and some beach it will be a blur.

    as you can see its not only at the gas pumps but at the retail side too. check your receipts.

    Gotta love Bush


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